
Be a Professional Gym Coach - NSCA-CPT Based Course 教練課程

Online 20 Oct 2022 19:30 不限 廣東話 HKD4999 100人


CCA is dedicated to nurturing new generations of sports enthusiasts and professionals in the industry. Jointly instructed by professionals in multiple disciplines, you will be prepared for the examination with sound scientific knowledge which is essential in the advancement of your fitness/coaching journey. Specially designed bilingual course materials and question banks would be provided for all students to make examinations never easier. This course is unique in Hong Kong.


13 two-hour online lectures will be hosted by experts from different fields while the last lecture will cover the exam skills to prepare you for the examination. The 26-hour course is the best deal possible and has proven to be a cost-saver to pass the examination in one go.


The course would be conducted mainly in Cantonese supplemented by English. Certification of attendance will be issued to students exceeding 70% of attendance


● 香港獨有的NSCA-CPT課程
● 特別設計的課程教材及模擬試題
● 課後學習小組讓學生持續學習,方便課後亦能即時提問
● 中英雙語教學容許學生按自身需要選擇考試語言
● 專業教學團隊確保照顧到課堂不同範疇所需
● $500回贈提供予課程後六個月內成功考獲NSCA-CPT執照之學生*


Why CCA?

● Unique course in the city to aid passing NSCA-CPT at ease
● Specially designed course materials and question banks to pass the exam in one go
● Virtual study group for instant Q&A and continuous education and update
● Bilingual course materials enable taking the exam either in Chinese or English
● Instructed by multi-disciplinary professionals leading in the field
● $500 cash rebate to students who pass the NSCA-CPT examination within 6 months after completion of the course*

*Evidence of passing the NSCA-CPT examination has to be provided by the students to claim the cash rebate. The 6-month period is defined as the time lapse between the last day of the course and the day of taking the examination.


此課程參考了NSCA-CPT執照教科書的六大範疇去設計,包括:運動科學、客戶諮詢及評估、動作技巧、訓練課表設計、特殊人群教學、安全及法律訴訟,完全涵蓋NSCA-CPT考試內容。課程將以 ZOOM 形式授課,詳細課程時間表請下載以下詳細課程簡介及條款。

Course Structure and Timetable:

The course would cover 6 main areas, including (1) Exercise Science, (2) Consultation & Evaluation, (3) Exercise Techniques, (4) Program Design, (5) Clients with Unique Needs, and (6) Safety & Legal Issue, which cover the whole syllabus in NSCA-CPT. The course will be conducted in the form of virtual classroom by ZOOM. Please download the detailed course description and terms and conditions for detailed course timetable.

Continuous Coaching Academy

Continuous Coaching Academy (HKCCA) 相信運動表現應建基於知識與科學理論上,並透過實踐理論令運動教學更為專業可靠。

HKCCA 教學團隊包括物理治療師、大學講師、國際認可體能教練等各領域之專業,務求令學員得到最專業的教學及課程內容;同時亦提供考取相關健身教練執照之練習題目,同時滿足學習及應試需求。